Twin Flames is a suspenseful novel about a night editor for a popular dating show who buddies up with a scorned former contestant and kidnaps her misogynist boss. It’s young, it’s sexy, it’s fun! **Click the image to purchase.
The qualifications to write this one are endless.
1.) I appeared on MTV’s NEXT and WON. Took that money.
2.) Appeared on Millionaire Matchmaker and Patti said I would be the next Tina Fey (she was a little off). I was 2nd place. I’ll take it. Didn’t want to marry a magician anyway.
3.) My husband is an editor for The Bachelor. This idea was conceived and created 8 years ago when he was working on shows celebrating athletic prowess, and so, not based on the actual show (do not sue me, do not sue me, I am a creative, I am protected). So, I am either a witch or a witch. Not sure yet.
4.) I LOVE trashy TV. I celebrate the tropes in this book with passion and pure JOY.
And so, this is clearly a must read.
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